Thursday, March 16, 2006

Punjabi-English keyboard

First-ever complete Punjabi-English keyboard, no excuses now! I found it here.


Otpreka Singh said...


Rimmi said...

THAT is soooo cool!

CFSIKH said...

Sacha Sodha(sp?) sells them; Torbram and Steeles in Brampton.

msingh said...

Thanks for the info cfsikh, I must also add that you have a very interesting and informative blog.

Anonymous said...

You've been awfully "quiet" lately MSingh veer ji... hope you're well. Maybe you've started that book?! have a great day (",)

msingh said...

Been busy trying to sort things out for imminent India trip satvinder - things like last the minute running around making a new passsport, getting visas, booking train tickets, etc.

Have been been visting other blogs though, and see that that you've been well busy. Also noted that marathon discussion on ss's blog where ik singh was having a field day (ok, don't ask me what it means, or where it comes from).

Haven't worked out what to do with my blog activity as I'm out for 3 weeks or so from tuesday. Options:

- give up this blogging lark
- just disappear and carry on when I come back
- hand over the blog for somebody else

Need more time to reflect on this.

Anonymous said...

I have this keyboard but i dont have the files that come with it cause they come in a flopy disk and my computer doesnt read those please help me

Anonymous said...

Another keyboard is available for MS Windows XP/Vista, comes with complete manual can be found at

Anonymous said...

the one you have in picture..i believe was designed by my grandfather. It is pretty easy to use.

Anonymous said...

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