Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Autumn Sunshine

Photo courtesy of sikhi seeker


Anonymous said...

...and i thought it looked familiar ;)

msingh said...

Familiar it may be, but unless you've walked up the side of Merrick Road your memory is playing tricks with you.

The scene is pretty deceptive, just on the other side behind the tree is Merrick Road, and behind me are the back garden of houses - just a narrow strip really, maybe I should post another picture if you you don't believe me..


msingh said...

Perhaps the accidental "you you" was appropriate as there are two of you...


msingh said...

"When a doppleganger appears, it looks like a photo of the person. The subtle energy of a doppleganger is an exact physical reproduction of the person. The doppleganger does not have the tactile similarities,so if you were to approach your doppleganger, you would not be able to touch the doppleganger and get the sense of touching a person. Generally, dopplegangers carry out the usual routine of the person. You are likely to see your doppleganger sitting in your reading chair."

SS and ss cannot be classed as dopplegangers (for starters they are of different sex and living in different countries), but I could be wrong for all I know - you might be an advanced doppleganger. Just so that you could have more than one blog. Hmmm, those sci-fi looking photos on your blog...

Oi, who's that sitting in my chair.

msingh said...

It has just dawned on me (after looking at SS's archives), I feel like a right nana, totally embarrased. I did say in one of my recent posts that I might be going senile.

This is definately not a photo that I took on Merrick Road, so apologies to the rightful artist who took it. I will make ammends by aknowledging the author (I could say that it was posted by my doppleganger).


Anonymous said...

u guys are funny!

And MSingh ji, I didn't mean to be demanding any sort of acknowledgement....gosh, none of my work, which should rather be called collection is at absolute leisure. It just so happened, that i visited your blog and it 'Actually' took me a minute or so to recollect the pic :P As I mentioned on Otpreka Singh's blog, I can be slow some times :P

And as per me being a doppleganger.....hmmm....I'll skip comments on that...but I sure do see specs of me spread throughout the world (eerie :P) So just wondering if there is a doppelganger of you MSingh ji and you ssji....then we have FIVE "you"'s in picture....getting packed...me outta here :D

msingh said...

Phew, I think I might just be off the hook. Incidentally, I'm thinking of getting a second chair in my room for you know who.

msingh said...

This is a photo of the side of Merrick Road (on the way to Singh Sabha gurudwara in Southall).