Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Vaisakhi in Delhi

We went to the Majnu Ka Tilla Gurudwara in Delhi on Vaisakhi day. It was very crowded, with a stalls and funfairs outside. A bit too congested and 'rough' for our first visit.

Anyway, here are some photos and videos:


Prabhu Singh said...

Great videos and photos. I'm really enjoying people getting the Indian pictures. There are a few blogs now from Sikhs in India.

msingh said...

It's nice to hear that people are enjoying the pictures.

prabhu I agree it's good to see photos from people blogravelling to india. I'm enjoying sikhi seeker's account and pictures of her trip to india.


Anonymous said...

these were an owsome videos.. thank u sooo much for showin us the true meaning of sikhism..

Anonymous said...

these were an owsome videos.. thank u sooo much for showin us the true meaning of sikhism..