Friday, November 04, 2005

Love is in the Air

I reckon after this post by Gurmustuk Singh, Prabhu Singh has already been 'fixed' up. And what a great couple gurpreet.kaur and Jaskamal make. I thought it might be nice to put up a poem by Bhai Vir Singh dedicated to all the lovebirds.

click photo to enlarge


samar said...

Sat Sri Akaal!

Really beautuful poetry.Thanks for sharing.Made me recall:

kaalee ko-il too kit gun kaalee.
apnay pareetam kay ha-o birhai jaalee.
pireh bihoon kateh sukh paa-ay
jaa ho-ay kirpaal taa parabhoo milaa-ay. ||2||


Naam Chit Aave.

samar said...

Sat Sri Akaal!
I hope you have read 'Gurmukh Sikhya' by Bhai
Vir Singh Ji(a compilation of inspiring letter s written by bhai sahib).Really a worthy read.A must.Maybe you can try it.

Naam Chit Aave.

msingh said...

Thanks samar, I haven't read Gurmukh Sikhya, will try and get hold of it.
